You are ELEVEN months old! Here's what you are up to...
You are ELEVEN months old! Here's what you are up to...
You are getting REALLY good at ripping your hairbow out and pulling off your scoks and shoes when you ride in the car. You usually have them off before we can even get out of the subdivision! I don't mind, but when we are in a hurry, it's frustrating to have to redress you when we get where we are going!

You are still eating some baby food, but you LOVE finger foods. Your favorite things are bananas, avocados, turkey and cheese sandwiches, puffs, yogurt melts, potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and DOUGHNUTS!! It has become a Saturday morning tradition to eat doughnuts and drink chocolate milk.

You are becoming quite strong-willed already. When something doesn't go your way, you DEFINITELY let us hear about it. Right now, we pretty much ignore you and let you express yourself for a minute. You get over it super fast. Not sure what we are going to do when you start having full-blown tantrums. I'm REALLY not ready for that yet!

You have TWO front teeth now!

You have developed a recent obsession with Chaucer. You LOVE him and chase him all over our house. He is so sweet. He lets you crawl all over him, and never even responds!

You have started WALKING this month!! You haven't taken a step on your own, but you will push your walking toy all over the place. You will also hold our hand and walk, but if you even THINK we may let go, you immediately plop down on your booty!

You are in your PJs in almost every picture this month! You have been a very sick girl You have had the flu, RSV, and ear infections. You have been SO sweet, though. The only time you even acted sick was when you had the flu and your fever got up to 104! Poor baby!

(Chaucer walked in and distracted you mid-photo session)
You LOVE to "read" books. You flip through them and just babble the whole time.

You know how to play peep eye, blow kisses, wave, clap, shake your head no, and "brush" your hair. You can say "Mama", "Dada", "bye bye", and "dat" (that).

You are hilarious when you first wake up in the mornings. I think you are going to be like your Dada in the mornings...grumpy!!

Your hair is getting so thick. I even think it is starting to curl a little! I just love to brush it and put bows in it!

I can't believe that we will be celebrating your birthday in just a few short weeks. This has been the fastest, but MOST WONDERFUL year of my life! I don't see how it could get any better, but every one says it does. Mama and Dada love you more than you can even fathom right now, Lilly. You are our precious little "bug", and we could not imagine life without you!
Happy 11 months, baby girl!
Happy 11 months, baby girl!
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