My friend Amanda posted this on my Facebook wall a few days ago...I still laugh uncontrollably every time I watch it.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Job is DONE...
The following "duty" rule applies in our house 24/7/365...
Inside the house: Jamie's responsibility
Outside the house: Michael's responsibility
Well, I have FINALLY finished decorating the inside of our house for Christmas. It usually takes me 2 full days, but this year it took 3. I added a few extras and didn't realize how time consuming my "small additions" were. Oh well, I LURVE decorating for's absolutely one of my top 3 favorite things to do. I still have a couple of ideas here and there, but for the most part, I am FINISHED, EXHAUSTED, and ECSTATIC!!!
Michael is going to do the outside while I am working this weekend. He always does such a great job with the outdoor decor because he works so hard to hide wires, lights, etc. I will update this post with pictures of the outside when he finishes. As of tonight, we have santas inside and pumpkins outside...weird?!?!?!
Posted by Jamie Ford at 9:04 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Reading this blog post felt like inhaling a huge breath of fresh air. It left me thanking God for my precious husband and wishing that he was home so that I could love on him.
MckMama: marriage, submitting, forgiving and ducking.
Posted by Jamie Ford at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hotty Toddy!!!
Michael and I spent this past weekend in Oxford with our friends Thad and Amanda (and Thad's roommate Charlie...although I don't feel compelled to give him a shout out because he "doesn't really get in to blogs..." Whatever.) As always with these two (and "roommate") we had an absolute blast! Michael and I are truly blessed with the most wonderful friends and we are so very thankful. Here are some pictures from the festivities...

Posted by Jamie Ford at 6:42 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A Weekend Away...
Thanks to Michael's WONDERFUL bosses, we were able to spend this past weekend in the Crescent City! We haven't been out of town since our New York trip last December, so we were really looking forward to a weekend away. We were excited about the Audubon Zoo and Aquarium (not quite as huge as it seemed as a child), shopping on Magazine Street, and (of course) eating some really good food. It was a quick yet delightful trip...
First Stop: Audubon Zoo

This reminded me of my job...

This reminded me of my husband...

They had a great four course dinner special that we really enjoyed.

Plus who wouldn't love a fried dough ball with powered sugar on it for breakfast anyway?? That sounds much better to me...
Saturday Breakfast: Cafe du Monde

Saturday Lunch: Guys Po-boys
We ate with our friends/past co-worker Hannah and Jason who have recently moved to NOLA.

After some GREAT shopping on Magazine Street...

Saturday Dinner: Emeril's Delmonico

What an IMPRESSIVE restaurant. I cannot even begin to explain how beautiful and yummy this place was.
I was blown away with my non-seafood loving sweety's choice for an appetizer...lump crab cake. Every time I would question his food selection by saying, " you know what's in that?" He would sarcastically respond with, "Well, I am trying to expand my palette!!" Maybe he really does read my blog?!?!

Posted by Jamie Ford at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Like Mother like Son...
I looked out the back door yesterday and saw this...Let me explain...Michael and I are both very OCD about certain (yet different - which can lead to some intense moments of fellowship) things. Michael is OCD about weeds in the yard. On many occasions, I have to go pull Michael inside to keep him from literally crawling from one side of our yard to the other. It's the craziest thing I have ever seen!! We try to go for a walk in our neighborhood, and we can't even get out of the driveway before Michael is crawling in the yard, yet again, pulling weeds. It is so embarrassing and I'm sure our neighbors are thinking that he is "special."
In Michael's defense, I truly think that this problem is not his fault. I have good reasons to believe that it is in his blood. You see, I have walked in his parents house on many occasions and seen his mother doing this exact same thing. She pulls weeds, rakes leaves, and sweeps the kitchen floor...all while crawling around on all fours. She is fully equipped with Roundup, a rake, a broom, and a vacuum. Is it just me or is this not the weirdest thing??
Posted by Jamie Ford at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mac & Cheese is NOT a Vegetable...
If you walk into my house at any given time, you can pretty much bet that the TV that I am watching will either be on HGTV or Food Network. Michael gripes about this CONSTANTLY, but my two favorite pastimes are cooking and decorating! When Michael and I decided to get married, we both had a few requirements that we thought the other person MUST do. I have forgotten all of my requirements (I think one of them might have been that he do all of the yard work, but I now enjoy working in my yard, so he got lucky!), but one of Michael's was that I handle everything in the kitchen. No problem (I thought), because I LOVE to cook...until I realized just how picky my husband is about food. Below is a list of food that he will eat...
Red Meat (Steak, hamburgers, meatloaf, etc.)
Green Beans
Mac & Cheese
Pork Loin
Three Cheese Tortellini
Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls
Ice Cream
Chocolate Cake
Cheese NipsOn a side note...each night that I cook, I will ask Michael what vegetable(s) he would like to go with his piece of cow. He almost always says, "macaroni and cheese." Each time he says this (especially after getting his recent lab work back from the life insurance company) I have to go into my speech..."Michael, although mac & cheese is in the vegetable section at Picadilly, it does not grow out of the ground, and is therefore NOT a vegetable. What vegetable would you like?" So, the other night, I decided to surprise him (and Snerdly) with some homemade Mac & Cheese. Bless his heart (literally!!)
Back to my original point...So, after only a year and a half of marriage I am SO SICK of these foods. I feel like I eat at The Cracker Barrel every single night. As a matter of fact, I got very nauseated and my mouth started to water as I typed those foods. Maybe I should have clarified when we were discussing our pre-martial requirements that I enjoy cooking DIFFERENT things. I am at a loss for what to do, but I think I have decided that I am going to slowly try to broaden the horizon of his palette. He better hold on tight...this could get really ugly.
Posted by Jamie Ford at 11:42 AM 5 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Back From My Blogging Sabbatical...
The last couple of months have been quite busy for Michael and me, and I inadvertently took a long break from the world of blogging. No fear, though, I'm back! I was trying to re-enter the blogosphere with an exciting post, but I have no earth-shattering news or event. So, I guess I will explain what's been going on at the Ford's in the last few weeks.
I have recently poured a large amount of my time into organizing my life, and I am finally feeling much better about the whole situation. It's amazing to me how clutter can cause such anxiety. One little thing can be unorganized (i.e. my closet, car, work bag, lunch box, etc.) and I cannot cope. Is it unhealthy? Yes. Do I need Lexapro? Yes. Does Michael think I need Lexapro? Yes. Am I about to get on Lexapro? Yes. Anyway, my life is 99% organized now, and I am so excited about it.
Also, I am now working the same hours as you people reading this blog! I now have a full-time days position, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I so took for granted the small things like being able to have dinner with my husband. Working nights for a year really made me realize how special things like that are and how easily they can be overlooked. I am so thankful that God provided me the opportunity to have a job that I love so much. When you look at the big picture, working nights was really a small sacrifice considering how great my job is. I definitely have GREAT respect for people who work nights on a long term basis. I would need more than Lexapro!!
Michael and I have been enjoying thinking about what will be coming to our house around January 2010. Chaucer and Colette! We have our fingers crossed! Which reminds me, I have got to talk to my doctor (about the Lexapro) and our breeder (about the puppies)!
I promise I won't stay away as long this time...
Posted by Jamie Ford at 7:57 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fun Filled Fourth...
As you may have read here, Michael and I spent the July 4th weekend with some friends at Eagle lake. Words cannot express how bruised and sore I am...My co-workers made so much fun of me when I limped around the unit on Monday. They all got a really good laugh out of my misery. No fear though, I've already got a couple of appointments scheduled with the chiropractor, orthopedic surgeon, neurosurgeon specializing in spinal trauma, and massage therapist. I am certainly not near as young as I used to be. I will forever regret yelling, "Show me what you got Big Richard!!!". Besides the soreness, we had such a wonderful weekend. I have said this many times, and I will probably say it lots more, but I truly believe that I have the most wonderful friends in the world! They make my life so great!
This picture was taken approximately 20 seconds after I yelled out the quote mentioned above. It may explain my soreness...
Posted by Jamie Ford at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
Finally Finished...

Posted by Jamie Ford at 5:29 PM 2 comments